Sunday, April 12, 2009

Constructive Criticism

From time to time we get back evaluations from many of our supervising physicians evaluated on a scale of 1-3 (1=bad, 2=average, 3=great) in a variety of categories - anything from your basic medical knowledge to your skills in certain procedures. Occasionally comments will be made to offer constructive criticisinm or feedback.

The other day I received an evaluation from an anonymous attending who gave me a 1 (bad) in the category entitled "Communicates well with staff and colleagues". In the comments they wrote "consider the use of breath mints on a routine basis."


First of all - can you really say that someone has bad breath based on one shift? Maybe I had some garlic laden entree that night. Maybe a tuna salad sandwich (actually that sounds pretty gross...I wouldn't have eaten that.) Bottom line - couldn't you have just offered a mint in person? I have a pretty good (although according to Jenny, somewhat basic) understanding of social mores. I would have gotten the hint. Did that really need to go into my PERMANENT record!?!? I'll never get a job now because my future employers are going to be questioning my oral hygiene.

On the other hand, maybe your evals as an intern are like a juvenile criminal record - maybe it will all get expunged when I become a second year resident. In the meantime, my new favorite flavor is spearmint.