So I got pulled over on my way to work the other day. It was at 5:30 in the morning and I was the only one on the road. It was on one of those streets that is 5 lanes wide and you look back and go "that was 35 mph there? Really? Huh. Who knew?" Everyone knows one of those roads. I was 7 mph over.
Lights flash, I pull over. The officer walks up, shining his light in my eyes.
"Where are you going so fast?" (As if I was flying down the autobahn...)
"Just on my way to work sir."
"Where do you work?"
"Over at the hospital."
"What department do you work in?"
"The Emergency Department."
He clicks off his light, tips his hat and says " have a nice day."
Now before everyone writes with claims of elitism and favoritism, you gotta understand the symbiotic relationship the police and we have in the department. They bring us a lot of business - most of it stuff that we'd rather not have. Drug deals gone bad, bar fights, or people crazy enough to resist arrest and then get injured. I bust my butt to try and get those patients out of there and back to jail because the police have better things to do than sit there and babysit these guys.
So karma is a real thing. For the rest of you, buy a white coat and keep it under the driver's seat at all times.